March 4, 2015

Letter to Members of Congress: Rein in the DoED's Office for Civil Rights

Peter Wood

NAS president Peter Wood urges U.S. Members of Congress to rein in the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights.

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February 27, 2015

NAS Board Member Writes On Liberal Bias In Academia

Madison Iszler

Jay Bergman, an NAS board member and professor at CCSU in Connecticut, writes about the need for intellectual diversity on college campuses. 

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February 25, 2015

Introducing 2015 Intern Madison Iszler

National Association of Scholars

Madison Iszler begins an internship at the NAS.

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February 25, 2015

The Value of College Degrees Is No More Settled than Is Global Warming

George Leef

George Leef writes for the John William Pope Center on why recent job data does not prove that higher education is a "good investment."

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February 25, 2015

Education: That a Republic Is Only One Generation Old

George Seaver

An argument for why the part of education that is civic virtue, as seen throughout history, is essential to the survival of a republic.

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February 23, 2015

Assault by the DOE

Robert Carle

In Academic Questions, Robert Carle writes on why sexual assault cases should be decided by courts, not by campus rape tribunals, which have an abysmal record of mishandling cases......

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February 20, 2015

Free Speech (Or Lack Thereof) in Britain

Madison Iszler

The UK-based publication spiked has ranked higher education institutions according to their support for freedom of speech.

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February 19, 2015

Campus Centers Sowing the Seeds of Important Ideas

Ashley Thorne

Campus-based programs are helping to restore rising generations’ attention to important but increasingly neglected ideas.

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February 18, 2015

There’s No App for That

Dan Kemp

American colleges and universities are searching for ways to overcome student addiction to technology and its effect on classroom instruction. Will they work?

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February 17, 2015

Common Core Debate at St. Francis College

Madison Iszler

Peter Wood and Kathleen Porter-Magee will debate the Common Core State Standards at St. Francis College on February 26.

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Creating Students, Not Activists

The mobs desecrating the American flag, smashing windows, chanting genocidal slogans—this always was the end game of the advocates of the right to protest, action civics, student activ......

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