June 18, 2024

Article: VIDEO: Presenting the Franklin Standards

National Association of Scholars

Listen in on the launch of the Franklin Standards, new K-12 science standards which prepare students for college and careers requiring substantial mathematical content knowledge.

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June 18, 2024

Article: Press Release: The Franklin Standards

National Association of Scholars

NAS and FIE want to inspire America’s state education departments to provide science standards that teach American students to claim their country’s scientific and technological heritage a......

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June 18, 2024

Article: Join the Franklin Standards Coalition

National Association of Scholars

Add your name to our petition to stay up to date as we call on states and school districts to adopt new science standards based upon the Franklin Standards. 

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March 24, 2023

Article: VIDEO: Snatching Lightning—Benjamin Franklin

National Association of Scholars

This webinar explores the significance of Benjamin Franklin's inventions on the daily lives of the people of his time.

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