February 6, 2025
This report sheds a new light on the history of the U.S. Department of Education (ED), its abuses of policy, and recommendations for a path forward. The report's evidence, and the long-term politi......
November 9, 2024
This report maps the organization, leadership, and affiliations of America's largest pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas student organizations—Students for Justice in Palestine.
October 15, 2024
Shifting Sands: Zombie Psychology examines the science underlying implicit bias theory. The report finds that many researchers and legislators believe policies based on this theory are harmful. M......
September 29, 2024
Foreign funding of American universities remains an open secret. This report details the underreporting of foreign gifts to universities by analyzing a complementary database compiled using public rec......
July 16, 2024
This report examines how the Chinese Communist Party uses language as a tool of asymmetric warfare and its deployed effects in the United States. Confucius Classrooms did not only expand from Confuciu......
June 22, 2024
This report surveys the diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and administrative initiatives at 12 University System of Mayland campuses.
May 25, 2024
These model K-12 state science standards seek to restore informed and disciplined curiosity to American science education, along with the spirit and the rigor of America's first great scientist an......
April 22, 2024
College presidents often come under the spotlight for their political pronouncements or lack thereof. Since college presidents must contend with difficult issues of morality, principle, and politics a......
April 20, 2024
This analysis finds that political donations from the faculty and staff of the University of Virginia go almost exclusively to the Democratic Party. If the faculty and staff are combined, the ratio of......
March 19, 2024
In this report, we propose the Curriculum of Liberty, in the spirit of NAS’s principles, which will educate American college students toward freedom, the pursuit of truth, and virtuous citizensh......
February 25, 2024
Is DEI still popular? If so, why have DEI-related scholarly works decreased since 2020?
February 20, 2024
This study explores the history of Americans' birthright of liberty. We teach our children social studies, above all history and civics, so they can know what liberty is, where Amer......
September 16, 2023
In this report, we seek to explain the phenomenon of DEI cluster hiring, demonstrate its widespread practice throughout academia, and highlight the dangers of the practice. Ultimately, DEI cluster hir......
July 13, 2023
Shifting Sands: Confounded Errors focuses on failures by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to consider empirical evidence avail......
April 20, 2023
This report studies the "Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions" movement against Israel on campus. It finds that the movement's success on campus is mixed, while its broader movement is well-......
January 28, 2023
This study explores the history of Americans' birthright of liberty. We teach our children social studies, above all history and civics, so they can know what liberty is, where America......
January 19, 2023
This study of the University of Texas at Austin surveys the most influential policies enacted on campus in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
December 29, 2022
Virginians have at least two pressing concerns about their public colleges and universities. The first concern is skyrocketing costs that burden Virginia taxpayers and threaten to put higher education......
November 28, 2022
This report documents and quantifies the growing prevalence of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) associated language in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields in the Unit......
September 27, 2022
America’s Middle East Studies Centers were originally founded to study the politics, culture, and language of Middle Eastern nations. But our analyses and case studies demonstrate that Middle Ea......
September 12, 2022
This case study reveals how Qatar uses partnerships with American universities to advance its own interests and values. In partnering with Qatar, American universities have invested substantial t......
August 10, 2022
This study of the University of Tennessee’s Diversity Action Plans finds that they further entrench the dominance of diversity, equity, and inclusion, espousing an ideology that makes narro......
July 7, 2022
Shifting Sands: Flimsy Food Findings focuses on the Food Frequency Questionnaire and irreproducible research in the field of nutritional epidemiology, which informs the U.S. Food and Drug Ad......
July 4, 2022
This case study examines how Texas universities train students for citizenship and teach American history, government, and civics.
June 21, 2022
This case study examines how Utah universities train students for citizenship and teach American history, government, and civics.
June 15, 2022
Confucius Institutes, once a strategic part of China's overseas influence campaign, have almost disappeared from the United States: 104 of 118 have shut down. But the demise of Confucius Institute......
May 16, 2022
This case study examines how Arizona universities train students for citizenship and teach American history, government, and civics.
February 15, 2022
Americans strongly disagree about how our K-12 schools should teach our system of self-government. Dozens of organizations offer rival civics education resources and many of them don't work. A new......
May 12, 2021
Shifting Sands: Unsound Science and Unsafe Regulation examines how irreproducible science affects select areas of government policy and regulation governed by different federal agencies. This fir......
April 24, 2021
Skewed History: Textbook Coverage of Early America and the New Deal is a review and critique of five textbooks’ coverage of four historical periods: The European Settlement of North America......
April 3, 2021
America’s most popular science curriculum, the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), fails students. This report details how the popular curriculum omits basic tenets of science, including t......
February 24, 2021
As more Americans attend college, costs rise, and more students fail to graduate, we ask, "why?" Priced Out details the spending habits of 50 universities across America and provides......
January 8, 2021
Freedom to Learn provides a guideline of 40 detailed suggestions for legislative reforms. These initiatives, if enacted by Congress, would encourage reform of America's costly, politicized, a......
December 31, 2020
Rebalancing the Narrative: Higher Education, Border Security, and Immigration discusses the various dimensions of immigration policy and suggests topics for debate. This report gives students and......
November 15, 2020
Disfigured History: How the College Board Demolishes the Past details the careless, politicized history in the College Board's revisions of the Advanced Placement (AP) European, United States, and......
October 27, 2020
Dear Colleague explains how sexual assault came to be a form of sex discrimination and surveys the regulatory path that Title IX administrators took to make this word-play a reality. This report also......
August 30, 2020
In exchange for generous Chinese government funding, the College Board has given China strategic access to American K-12 education. Since at least 2003, the College Board has sponsored Confucius Insti......
April 18, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has inflicted enormous financial damage on colleges and universities and the cost is still growing. American higher education will undergo an unprecedented financial crisis in......
January 11, 2020
The Lost History of Western Civilization is a wide-ranging consideration of the academy’s role in producing America’s contemporary political and cultural divisions. The report traces the w......
November 29, 2019
Social Justice Education in America is a comprehensive examination of the inner workings of social justice advocates at more than 60 universities and how they have insinuated themselves into......
September 19, 2019
Hundreds of American colleges and universities assign a summer reading to entering freshmen—usually one book, which is often un-academic and politically progressive. This year, Beach Books finds......
April 24, 2019
Spurred by the decision in Brown v. Board of Education and a growing Civil Rights Movement, colleges and universities led a good-faith effort to achieve racial integration. Today, that ideal on campus......
October 1, 2018
Hundreds of American colleges and universities assign a summer reading to entering freshmen—usually one book, which is often un-academic and politically progressive. This year, Beach Books provi......
April 8, 2018
A reproducibility crisis afflicts a wide range of scientific and social-scientific disciplines, from epidemiology to social psychology. Many supposedly scientific results cannot be reproduced, because......
January 15, 2018
A resource for anyone interested in the issue of academic freedom on college campuses in America. Charting compares fourteen published statements on academic freedom in twenty-five categorie......
April 5, 2017
Since 2004, the Chinese government has planted Confucius Institutes that offer Chinese language and culture courses at colleges and universities around the world—including more than 100 in the U......
January 8, 2017
The “New Civics” redefines civics as progressive political activism. Rooted in the radical program of the 1960s’ New Left, the New Civics presents itself as an up-to-date version of......
June 12, 2016
Much of the European past goes missing in the new AP European History Course and Exam Description. The College Board tells the story of European history as the triumph of secular progressivism, and sh......
January 21, 2016
In 2015, campuses across the country erupted in protests aimed at limiting the freedoms of professors and fellow students. Over time, the National Association of Scholars felt a commitment to restate......
October 8, 2015
The fossil fuel divestment movement, now on more than 1,000 American college campuses, aims at capturing a generation of college students as lifelong climate activists. This report is the first compre......
March 19, 2015
To many, sustainability is just a new name for environmentalism. But the word has come to mean something much larger: an ideology that demands new limits on economic, political, and intellectual freed......
April 1, 2013
Bowdoin College has dedicated itself to the achievement of social justice and replicating the image of progressive politics in its students. This study surveys the history of Bowdoin College and......
December 31, 2012
In 1971, the state of Texas enacted a legislative requirement that students at public institutions complete two courses in American history. With that mandate in mind, the Texas Association of Scholar......
May 1, 2011
The Vanishing West traces the decline and near extinction of the Western Civilization history survey course in America’s top colleges and universities from 1964 to 2010.
March 29, 2011
A report on the consequences of politicization in higher education, focused on the University of California.
November 2, 2000
"Losing the Big Picture" uses data from 1964-1965, 1989-1990, and 1997-1998 academic catalogs of twenty-five selective liberal arts colleges to show that undergraduate English majors no longer......
November 9, 1996
For the greater part of the twentieth century, America's leading colleges and universities were strongly committed to providing undergraduates with a broad and rigorous exposure to major areas of......
July 1, 1996
This survey of the core curricula at sixteen State University of New York campuses finds that students can avoid essential academic subjects while still meeting their degree requirements. This has led......