“A Great Teacher” Anonymous
A. Edward Cutting
A. W. Godfrey
Aaron D. Wolf
Aaron W. Godfrey
Aaron Wildavsky
Abigail L. Rosenthal
Abigail M. Thernstrom
Abigail Martin
Abigail Thernstrom
Abraham H. Miller
Academic Questions
Adam Andrzejewski
Adam Ellwanger
Adam Kissel
Adam Mission
Adam Pascarella
Adam Scrupski
Adèle Auxier Keim
Adrianna Groth
Alan Charles Kors
Alan G. Futerman
Alan Gribben
Alan Luxenberg
Alan Wolfe
Albert Keith Whitaker
Albert S. Braverman
Aldric Hama
Alex B. Berezow
Alex Priou
Alexander McBirney
Alexander Riley
Alfred G. Cuzán
Allan Mandelstamm
Allan Megill
Allan Silver
Allen C. Guelzo
Allen Mendenhall
Alston Chase
Althea K. Nagai
Althea Nagai
Alvin B. Kernan
Amanda Fiscina
Amelia Lewis
Amitai Etzioni
Amity Shlaes
Amy L. Wax
André Ryerson
Andrew Bieszad
Andrew E. Busch
Andrew Gillen
Andrew Hacker
Andrew J. Kleinfeld
Andrew Spiropoulos
Andy Nash
Anne D. Neal
Anne Hendershott
Anne Neal
Anne Wortham
Anthony Daniels
Anthony Esolen
Anthony Hennen
Anthony Ugolnik
Antonio R. Chaves
Aradia Gynette Apfelbaum
Arthur B. Chandler
Arthur Versluis
Ashby Kinch
Ashley Chandler
Ashley Thorne
Austin Williams
B. Nelson Ong
Bahman Baktiari
Barbara Oakley
Barbara Scrupski
Barry Latzer
Barry R. Gross
Barry S. Fagin
Barry Smith
Barry Strauss
Barry Targan
Barton L. Ingraham
Ben Foster
Benjamin A. Plotinsky
Benjamin D. Wiker
Benjamin Giles
Benjamin McArthur
Benjamin Sevitch
Bernie Richter
Bill McKelvey
Bill Rivers
Bill Roden
Blair *Erickson
Blair F. Bigelow
Blaise Cronin
Bob Wright
Boria Sax
Brad S. Gregory
Bradford P. Wilson
Bradford Tuckfield
Bradley C.S. Watson
Brendan Nagle
Brian Anziska
Brian Bolduc
Brian T. Johnson
Brigitte Berger
Bruce Bawer
Bruce Brasington
Bruce Cole
Bruce Gans
Bruce Gilley
Bruce Heiden
Bruce M. Gans
Bruce P. Frohnen
Bruce R. Chartwell
Bruce S. Thornton
Bruce W. Davidson
Bruno V. Manno
Burton L. Ingraham
Burton M. Leiser
Burton Raffel
Butler Schram
Byron Roth
C. Bradley Thompson
C. Vann Woodward
C.E. Larson
Caleb Rossiter
California Association of Scholars
Camilo Jiménez
Candace de Russy
Carey Stronach
Carl C. Monk
Carl Cohen
Carol Iannone
Carol Iannone*
Carol M. Swain
Carson Holloway
Cary Nelson
Cass R. Sunstein
Catharine Savage Brosman
Catherine Pavlich
Catherine Zuckert
Cathy Young
Chance Layton
Charles Baudelaire
Charles Chieppo
Charles Doersch
Charles E. Butterworth
Charles E. Rounds
Charles E. Rounds Jr.
Charles G. Beaudette
Charles Geshekter
Charles Griswold
Charles L. Geshekter
Charles L. Robertson
Charles Landesman
Charles Lonie
Charles T. Rubin
Charlotte Allen
Chester E. Finn
Chester E. Finn Jr.
Chilton Williamson Jr.
Christina Jeffrey
Christina Sommers
Christopher Beckett
Christopher C. Hull
Christopher Flannery
Christopher J. Slager
Christopher Kendall
Christopher L. Dawson
Christopher Sanfilippo
Christopher Welser
Chuck Rogér
Chuck Stetson
Clayton Cramer
Clayton E. Cramer
Clement Meighan
Clifford D. May
Clifford F. Thies
Clifford Orwin
Clinton Machann
Clive Seligman
Cola Buskirk
Colin D. Pearce
Collin May
Conor Cruise O'Brien
Cordell D.K. Yee
Corey Abel
Craig Evan Klafter
Craig Frisby
Crystal Plum
Curtis Crawford
Czeslaw Milosz
D.G. Myers
D.S. Shwayder
Dale M. Herder
Dale Schellenger
Dan Asia
Dan Kemp
Dan Subotnik
Daniel A. Bonevac
Daniel A. Kaufman
Daniel Asia
Daniel B. Coupland
Daniel B. Klein
Daniel Barwick
Daniel Bonevac
Daniel Casse
Daniel Cere
Daniel Davis
Daniel E. Ritchie
Daniel Herwitz
Daniel J. Flynn
Daniel J. Mahoney
Daniel Johnson
Daniel Oliver
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Daniel Pipes
Daphne Patai
Dario Fernandez-Morera
Darren Brady Nelson
Darren Hibbs
Darren Staloff
Dave Huber
Dave Peterson
David Acevedo
David Bolotin
David Clemens
David D. Cope
David Easlick
David Evanier
David F. Forte
David F. Prindle
David Foster
David French
David G. Roskies
David G. Stork
David Gordon
David H. Hirsch
David Henderson
David Horowitz
David J. Armor
David J. Rothman
David Kaiser
David L. Tubbs
David Lee Rubin
David Lewis Schaefer
David M. Blank
David M. Steiner
David Mulroy
David Murray
David R. Legates
David R. Slavitt
David Randall
David Riesman
David Robinson
David Rozado
David S. Webster
David Sacks
David Solway
David Steiner
David Stoesz
David Stoll
David W. Murray
David Webster
David Welch
David Yamane
David Yezzi
Dean Chin
Deborah Stipek
Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
Denis Paz
Dennis Hale
Dennis O'Brien
Dennis Outwater
Derek Freeman
Diana J. Schaub
Diana Schaub
Diane Ravitch
Didier de Fontaine
Dinesh D'Souza
Dion J. Pierre
Don Mitchell
Don Racheter
Donald A. Downs
Donald Bishop
Donald Downs
Donald J. Trump
Donald Kagan
Donald Lazere
Donald M. Hassler
Donald Philip Verene
Donald Phillip Verene
Donald S. Barnhart
Donald T. Williams
Dorothy Lang
Dorothy Pugh
Douglas Campbell
Douglas G. Campbell
Douglas Groothuis
Douglas Sears
Dov Liberman
Duke Pesta
Dwight D. Murphey
E. Christian Kopff
E.D. Hirsch
Earl Ravenal
Ed Cutting
Edgar L. Chapman
Editors-in-Chief of the Stanford Review, 2013-16
Edward A. Rauchut
Edward Alexander
Edward E. Ericson Jr.
Edward J. Calabrese
Edward O. Wilson
Edward R. Dougherty
Edward Reid
Edward Rothstein
Edward S. Shapiro
Edward T. “Terry” Wimberley
Edward Wynne
Edward Yingling
Edwin J. Delattre
Elena Callas
Elizabeth C'de Baca Eastman
Elizabeth Corey
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese
Elizabeth Weiss
Emina Melonic
Empire Foundation for Policy Research
Emre Kuvvet
Eric Felten
Eric Hammer
Eric J. Schmaltz
Eric R. Terzuolo
Eric Rasmusen
Erich Korngold
Erik M. Jensen
Erin O'Connor
Ernest B. Hook
Ernest Hilbert
Ernest J. Goodman
Ernest J. Zarra, III
Ernest van den Haag
Ethan Akin
Ethan Campbell
Eugene D. Genovese
Eugene H. Czajkoski
Eugene R. Dattel
Eva Brann
Eva Marie Haine
Evelyn Avery
F. Andrew Wolf Jr.
F. Carolyn Graglia
F.R. Duplantier
Fang Li-Zhi
Felicia Chernesky
Felicia Sanzari Chernesky
Flora Yan
Forest Hansen
Francis B. Randall
Frank Ellis
Fred Baumann
Fred Jacobs
Fred Siegel
Frederic J. Fransen
Frederick A. Olafson
Frederick Krantz
Frederick Lynch
Frederick R. Lynch
Frederick Seitz
Freedom in Education
Gail Heriot
Garett Jones
Gary C. Brasor
Gary Crosby Brasor
Gary G. Sick
Gary Jason
Gary L. McDowell
Gary Margolis
Gary McDowell
Gary Saul Morson
Gene Fendt
Geoffrey C. Kabat
Geoffrey Clarfield
Geoffrey Fidler
Geoffrey M. Vaughan
George Anastaplo
George C. Leef
George Leef
George M. Marsden
George McKenna
George R. La Noue
George Seaver
George Sim Johnston
George Steiner
George W. Dent
George W. Dent Jr.
George Yancey
Georgi K. Marinov
Gerald A. Reynolds
Gerald E. P. Gillespie
Gerald E. Zuriff
Gerald E.P. Gillespie
Gerald Early
Gerald Graff
Gerald Holton
Gerald J. Russello
Gerald Russello
Gerard Flynn
Gerson Moreno-Riaño
Gertrude Himmelfarb
Gideon Kanner
Gilbert T. Sewall
Glenn C. Altschuler
Glenn C. Loury
Glenn Loury
Glenn M. Ricketts
Glenn Ricketts
Glynn Custred
Gorman Beauchamp
Graves E. Enck
Greg Lukianoff
Gregory Hirshman
Gwen Brown
H. Sterling Burnett
H. W. Brands
Hadley Arkes
Hal Arkes
Hal R. Arkes
Hans Bader
Hans Eicholz
Hans Zeiger
Harold Fromm
Harry Brod
Harry C. Boyte
Harry Greenfield
Harry J. Levinson
Harry Rubin
Harry Stein
Harry V. Jaffa
Harvey A. Silverglate
Harvey C. Mansfield
Harvey E. Klehr
Harvey Klehr
Harvey Shulman
Harvey Silverglate
Heather Harper
Heather Heying
Heather Mac Donald
Heinz-Joachim Klatt
Helaine L. Smith
Helen Andrews
Henry Ashby Turner
Henry H. Bauer
Henry N. Goldstein
Herbert I. London
Herbert London
Herman Badillo
Herman Belz
Herschel I. Grossman
Hervé Varenne
Hilarius Bogbinder
Hilde Kahn
Hillel Fradkin
Howard Dickman
Howard L. Kaye
Howard S. Schwartz
Hrach Gregorian
Hubert P. van Tuyll
Hugh Mercer Curtler
Ian Lindquist
Ian Maitland
Ian Oxnevad
Ilan Stavans
Indrek Wichman
Irving Louis Horowitz
Irving M. Klotz
Irwin Silverman
Isaac Barchas
Isaac N. Cohen
J. Daryl Charles
J. David Johnson
J. M. Ardini
J. Martin Rochester
J. Rufus Fears
J. Scott Kenney
J. Scott Turner
J.M. Anderson
J.T. Barbarese
Jack Kerwick
Jack Miller
Jack P. Greene
Jackson Toby
Jacob Howland
Jacob Neusner
Jacob Williams
Jacques Barzun
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva
James A. Delater
James A. Grimshaw Jr.
James A. Ryan
James A. Shapiro
James A. Stever
James Bernard Murphy
James Coleman
James D. Owen
James D. Tracy
James Dillon
James E. Côté
James E. Hartley
James E. Moore, II
James H. Nichols
James Hitchcock
James Huffman
James Lee
James Lindsay
James M. Cargal
James Matthew Wilson
James Nations
James Nuechterlein
James Q. Wilson
James R. Deneen
James R. Stoner, Jr.
James Seaton
James V. Shuls
James W. Ceaser
James W. Springer
James W. Tuttleton
Jamie Gass
Jamie Glazov
Jan Charles Haluska
Jan H. Blits
Jane Blanchard
Jane Clark
Jane Clark Scharl
Jane L. Johnson
Jane Robbins
Jane S. Shaw
Janeen Klinger
Janet L. Eyring
Janice Fiamengo
Jascha Kessler
Jason Fertig
Jason Morgan
Jason Richwine
Jason Ross
Jay Bergman
Jay Mathews
Jay Nordlinger
Jay P. Greene
Jay Parini
Jay Schalin
Jeane Kirkpatrick
Jeff Martineau
Jeff Zorn
Jeffrey A. Kroessler
Jeffrey D. Wallin
Jeffrey Hart
Jeffrey J. Poelvoorde
Jeffrey Rosen
Jeffrey Zorn
Jenna Robinson
Jennifer Gratz
Jennifer Helms
Jennifer Kabbany
Jeremiah Reedy
Jeremy Rabkin
Jeremy Tate
Jerry L. Martin
Jessica Custer
Jim D. Shelton
Jim Hartley
Jim Norwine
Jim Owen
Joan Faust
Joanne Jacobs
Jocelyn Tomkin
Joe R. Hicks
Joel B. Peckham Jr.
Joel Brind
Joel Margolis
Johanna Neuman
John A. Kasch
John A. Lynn II
John A. Robinson
John Adam Moreau
John Agresto
John Alvis
John Attard
John Attarian
John B. Bennett
John B. Egger
John B. Parrott
John C. Chalberg
John C. Wenger
John Cussen
John D. Sailer
John Derbyshire
John E. Staddon
John E.R. Staddon
John Earl Haynes
John Ellis
John Engels
John Fawell
John Finnis
John Fonte
John Fund
John Gray
John H. Biggs*
John H. Bunzel
John H. R. Polt
John Henry Newman
John Hinton
John Hood
John Hundscheid
John Irving
John J. Furedy
John K. Evans
John K. Wilson
John Keats
John Kyle Day
John Lange
John Lauritsen
John Leo
John M. Brown
John M. Ellis
John M. Gist
John M. Hintermaier
John Maguire
John Mathys
John McWhorter
John O. McGinnis
John Oakley Beahrs
John P. Roche
John P. Wonder
John Paul Wright
John R. Searle
John Reist
John Roche
John Rodenbeck
John Rosenberg
John S. Barry
John S. Rosenberg
John Shepard
John Silber
John Simon
John Staddon
John T. Bennett
John Zmirak
Jon D. Schaff
Jon K. Chang
Jon Levenson
Jon Westling
Jonathan A. Cook
Jonathan Bean
Jonathan Burack
Jonathan Chaves
Jonathan Imber
Jonathan Katz
Jonathan Pidluzny
Jonathan Smith
Joseph Adelson
Joseph Carroll
Joseph E. Hartman
Joseph E. Murray
Joseph Epstein
Joseph F. Kett
Joseph Grano
Joseph M. Horn
Joseph P. Martino
Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Josh Edwards
Joshua Bridges
Joshua Daniel Phillips
Joshua F. Drake
Joshua J. Yates
Joshua Mitchell
Joshua Nichols
Joshua T. Katz
Joshua Wright
Josiah Bunting III
Judit Dobránszki
Judith A. Brundin
Judith Kleinfeld
Juergen Hahn
Jukka Savolainen
Julia Alvarez
Julia Geran Pilon
Julian C. Stanley
Julian L. Alvarez
Julian L. Simon
Juliana Geran Pilon
Julie Robison
Julius Lester
Justus Reid Weiner
K. Thomas Noell
Kali Jerrard
Karen Proctor
Karen Swallow Prior
Karin Agness
Karl D. Stephan
Karole Fedrick
Kate Hamilton
Katherine Kersten
Kathleen Lowrey
Kathy Eden
KC Johnson
Keith Whitaker
Keli Carender
Ken Daniszewski
Ken Doyle
Ken I. Kersch
Kenin M. Spivak
Kenneth Conboy*
Kenneth H. W. Hilborn
Kenneth J. Heineman
Kenneth Minogue
Kenny J Williams
Kenny Williams
Keri Anderson
Kerry Emanuel
Kevin D. Williamson
Kevin J. McNamara
Kevin Nestor
Kevin Portteus
Kevin R. C. Gutzman
Kevin S. Krahenbuhl
Kevin T. Brady
King Banaian
Kingsley R. Browne
Kirby Olson
Koleman Strumpf
Kosta Steliou
Kyle Olson
L. Pearce Williams
L.H. Gann
Larry Arnhart
Larry Hubbell
Larry Purdy
Larry Schweikart
Laura Bianchi
Laura Stuckey
Lauren Prehoda
Lauren Weiner
Lawrence A. Lengbeyer
Lawrence Auster
Lawrence Beyer
Lawrence Cranberg
Lawrence Delaney
Lawrence Hyman
Lawrence M. Mead
Lawrence Raab
Leah Thomas
Lee Congdon
Lee L. Zwanziger
Lenore Ostrowsky
Leo Goldstein
Leo Nathan
Leo Raditsa
Leo Strauss
Leonard Kriegel
Leslie Lenkowsky
Linda Chavez
Linda Frey
Lino A. Graglia
Lionel S. Lewis
Lloyd B. Lewis
Lloyd Cohen
Loretta Graziano Breuning
Lorraine Smith Pangle
Louis G. Lippman
Louis Galarowicz
Louis Jacobs
Louis K. Bonham
Lowell Wood
Luann Wright
Lucas Morel
Lucius Outlaw
Lydia Schulman
Lynda Stone
Lynne A. Munson
Lynne Cheney
Lynne Munson
M. Zuhdi Jasser
Madison Iszler
Malcolm J. Sherman
Malcolm Kline
Malcolm Sherman
Malinda C. Miller
Marc Berley
Marc Landy
Marc S. Anderson
Marcus L. Sheffield
Margaret L. King
Margaret Matthews
Margarita Levin
Marianne M. Jennings
Marilee Turscak
Marina Ziemnick
Mario Vargas Llosa
Mark Adair
Mark Bauerlein
Mark D. Futato
Mark Draper
Mark G. Brennan
Mark Goldblatt
Mark Mercer
Mark Moyar
Mark Pulliam
Mark R. Abbott
Mark Regnerus
Mark T. Mitchell
Mark Thamert
Mark Zunac
Martha Bradley-Dorsey
Martin A. Trow
Martin Bernal
Martin Burke
Martin Erikson
Martin Lakin
Martin Morse Wooster
Marvin Olasky
Mary Burgan
Mary Frances Boyle
Mary Grabar
Mary K. Daly
Mary Kathryn Barbier
Mary P. Nichols
Mary Prentice
Mary R. Lefkowitz
Maryland Association of Scholars
Mason Goad
Matthew C. Woessner
Matthew Denhart
Matthew Garrett
Matthew J. Franck
Matthew Stewart
Matthew Woessner
Maureen Mullarkey
Maurice Wohlgelernter
Max Hocutt
Mel Livatino
Micah Sadigh
Michael Allen Gillespie
Michael Astrue
Michael B. McElroy
Michael Bérubé
Michael Block
Michael Booker
Michael Brickman
Michael Burlingame
Michael E. Kellman
Michael Fraser
Michael I. Krauss
Michael J. Booker
Michael J. Carter
Michael Kellman
Michael Krauss
Michael Levin
Michael Lewis
Michael Lurie
Michael Lynch
Michael McDonald
Michael Meyers
Michael Novak
Michael Oakeshott
Michael Platt
Michael Podgursky
Michael Poliakoff
Michael Potts
Michael Rectenwald
Michael S. Greve
Michael Sherr
Michael Strong
Michael Toscano
Michael Walsh
Michael Weiss
Michael Wesley Suman
Michele Kerr
Michelle Marder Kamhi
Mike Adams
Mike Allen
Mike Gonzalez
Mike Ratliff
Mike Sabo
Milton Birnbaum
Milton Ezrati
Miro M. Todorovich
Mitch Pearlstein
Mitchell Langbert
Mitchell Pearlstein
Mohamed Gad-el-Hak
Mona Walsh Holland
Morris L. Jackson
Mwangi Kimenyi
Mytheos Holt
Nadia E. Nedzel
Nadine Strossen
Nan Miller
Naomi Farber
Nash Keune
Nathalie Gontier
Nathan Cofnas
Nathan Glazer
Nathan Harden
Nathan Tierney
Nathaniel Urban
National Association of Scholars
Nayeli Riano
Neetu Arnold
Nehama Bersohn
Neil A. Kurtzman
Neil Cameron
Neil W. Hamilton
Nelson Lund
Nelson W. Polsby
Neven Sesardic
Nevin Montgomery
New York Association of Scholars
Nicholas Capaldi
Nicholas J. Shudak
Nicholas Zumbulyadis
Nicolai N. Petro
Nigel Ashford
Nils A. Haug
Nino Langiulli
Noah Carl
Noël Valis
Noretta Koertge
Norma Rosen
Norman F. Cantor
Norman Fruman
Norman L. Rogers
Norman Podhoretz
Norman Rogers
Norman Tutorow
Norval D. Glenn
Norvell B. de Atkine
Oliver Rosenbloom
Oliver Spivey
Oregon Association of Scholars
Oscar Handlin
P. Eric Louw
Pat Daugherty
Patricia Cain*
Patricia Hausman
Patrick J. Deneen
Paul A. Cantor
Paul A. Trout
Paul Bogdanor
Paul du Quenoy
Paul Gottfried
Paul Hollander
Paul J. Sundermier
Paul Kamolnick
Paul Mariani
Paul Moreno
Paul O. Carrese
Paul R. Gross
Paul Rahe
Paul V. Hartman
Pedro Gonzalez
Peter Augustine Lawler
Peter Berkowitz
Peter Boghossian
Peter Bonilla
Peter Cohee
Peter Copeland
Peter F. Neumeyer
Peter Gaeffke
Peter Machera
Peter Monaghan
Peter Morcombe
Peter N. Warren
Peter Shaw
Peter Suedfeld
Peter W. Wood
Peter Wood
Philip F. Williams
Philip G. Davis
Philip Marcus
Philip Mattar
Philip N. Marcus
Philip Siegelman
Phillip B. Anderson
Phillip W. Magness
Phillip Williams
Phoebe S. Spinrad
Phyllis Chesler
Pioneer Institute
Procopius Occidens
Publius Audax
Quentin Quade
R. H. Winnick
R. Lawrence Purdy
R. W. Clack
Rachel Fulton Brown
Rachelle Peterson
Rafael De Clercq
Ralph A. Raimi
Ralph deLaubenfels
Ralph Hancock
Ralph Raimi
Randy Moore
Raphael Sealey
Ray M. Sanchez
Raymond A. Katzell
Raymond J. Fadeley
Raymond Wolters
René Girard
Ricardo Duchesne
Ricardo J. Quinones
Richard A. Zeller
Richard Arum
Richard D. Ferrier
Richard D. Lamm
Richard D. Wilkins
Richard F. Hassing
Richard F. Welch
Richard Fonté
Richard G. Stevens
Richard H. Reeb
Richard I. Vane-Wright
Richard J. Bishirjian
Richard K. Vedder
Richard L. Sparks
Richard L. Velkley
Richard Lindzen
Richard M. Berthold
Richard M. Reinsch II
Richard P. Hassler
Richard P. Phelps
Richard Pells
Richard Pipes
Richard S. Leaman
Richard Steiner
Richard T. Arndt
Richard Vedder
Richard Wilbur
Rita J. Simon
Rita Kramer
Rita Zürcher
Rober C. Whitten
Robert A. Gordon
Robert B. Gregory
Robert B. Heilman
Robert Berman
Robert Bishop
Robert Brustein
Robert C. Hunsaker
Robert Carle
Robert Cherry
Robert Conquest
Robert E. Gordon
Robert Elliott Johnson
Robert F. Lawson
Robert Gordon
Robert Greer Cohn
Robert H. Bork
Robert Heidt
Robert Highsmith
Robert Iosue
Robert Koons
Robert L. Bateman
Robert L. Jackson
Robert L. Paquette
Robert Lerner
Robert Leroux
Robert M. Pack
Robert Maranto
Robert Maranto and Martha Bradley-Dorsey
Robert N. Sollod
Robert P. George
Robert Pack
Robert Pattison
Robert Royal
Robert VerBruggen
Robert Weissberg
Robin Fox
Rodler Morris
Roger A. Fischer
Roger Clegg
Roger Fischer
Roger Kimball
Roger L. Geiger
Roger Sandall
Roger Shattuck
Roland Armando Alum
Ronald C. Corbyn
Ronald L. Reisner
Ronald Radosh
Rosalind Rosenberg
Ross Neher
Russ Nieli
Russell Eisenman
Russell K. Nieli
Ryan T. Motz
S. Robert Lichter
S.M. Lipset
S.T. Karnick
Saera Fernandez
Sally L. Satel
Sam Pickering
Samuel T. Logan
Sandra Sherman
Sandra Stotsky
Sanford Pinsker
Scholars Concerned About Advanced Placement History
Scott Herring
Scott Masten
Scott W. Talkington
Scott Yenor
Sean Benson
Sean Francis
Sean Stevens
Seth Forman
Shale Horowitz
Shannon Watkins
Shelby Steele
Sheldon Avery
Sheldon Ekland-Olson
Sheldon Hackney
Sheldon M. Stern
Shepard Barbash
Sidney A. Ellis
Sidney Hook
Sidney M. Milkis
Skylar Hamilton Burris
Sol Schindler
Sondra Farganis
Spencer Case
Spencer Kashmanian
Stan Cohen
Stan Young
Stanford Review Editorial Board
Stanley B. Alpern
Stanley Bailis
Stanley Coren
Stanley G. Payne
Stanley K. Ridgley
Stanley Kurtz
Stanley Rothman
Stanley Trachtenberg
Stanley W. Lindberg
Stanley W. Trimble
Stanley Young
Stefania R. Jha
Stephan Thernstrom
Stephen Bainbridge
Stephen Baskerville
Stephen Bertman
Stephen Corwin
Stephen D. Eide
Stephen Eide
Stephen Greenblatt
Stephen H. Balch
Stephen J. Whitfield
Stephen K. Roney
Stephen Kershnar
Stephen M. Barr
Stephen Macedo
Stephen P. Klein
Stephen R.C. Hicks
Stephen Rombouts
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Whitfield
Stephen Zelnick
Steve Balch
Steve Kogan
Steven A. Camarota
Steven Anderson
Steven E. Rhoads
Steven Frankel
Steven Horwitz
Steven I. Dutch
Steven J. Willett
Steven Kessler
Steven M. Hutchens
Steven Schwartzman
Steven Weinberg
Steven Wulf
Stewart Justman
Stuart C. Miller
Stuart Creighton Miller
Stuart Hurlbert
Stuart Taylor, Jr.
Sumantra Maitra
Susan Haack
Susan Shell
Susan Spear
Suzanne Last Stone
Svetozar Pejovich
Sylvia Wasson
Terence Ball
Terence J. Pell
Teresa R. Manning
Terrance Dunford
Terrence L. Hormel
Terry Eagleton
Terry Pell
Tessa Carman
Tessa Carter
The 1776 Commission
The Civics Alliance
The Daily Texan Editorial Board
The Giving Review Editors
Theodore Hamerow
Theodore Held
Theodore S. Hamerow
Thomas A. Olafson
Thomas C. Grey
Thomas C. Reeves
Thomas Cushman
Thomas Dineen
Thomas Doherty
Thomas Drucker Lecturer
Thomas E. Wood
Thomas F. Bertonneau
Thomas H. Naylor
Thomas K. Lindsay
Thomas L. Jeffers
Thomas L. Martin
Thomas Lucero, Jr.
Thomas M. Camfield
Thomas Pangle
Thomas Payne
Thomas Short
Thomas Sowell
Thomas T. Suh
Tibor Machan
Timothy Fuller
Timothy Hsiao
Timothy Jackson
Timothy S. Nixon
Timothy W. Burns
Toby E. Huff
Todd D. Moore
Todd Gitlin
Todd Zywicki
Tom Horrell
Tom Klingenstein
Tom Mackaman
Tom Martin
Tom O'Brien
Tom Wood
Tomáš Hudlický
Tommy Sangchompuphen
Tory Stempf
Trevor Packer
Troy Camplin
Tyler Watts
Ulrich Ulrich Gerlach
Vera B. Koutsoyannis
Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Schmithorst
Victor Stepien
Victor Strandberg
Vincent Phillip Muñoz
Vincent Sarich
Virginia Abernethy
Virginia Hyman
Vladimir N. Garkov
W. Edward Chynoweth*
W. Lee Hansen
Walter A. McDougall
Walter Berns
Walter Block
Walter Bruno
Walter E. Block
Walter E. Williams
Walter Lammi
Ward Connerly
Ward Parks
Warren Brown
Warren Farrell
Warren Kindzierski
Warren Shapiro
Warren Treadgold
Wayne R. Dynes
Wayne W. Grody
Wendy Shalit
Werner J. Dannhauser
Wight Martindale Jr.
Wilcomb E. Washburn
Wilfred M. McClay
Wilfred Reilly
Will Fitzhugh
Will Morrisey
William A. Galston
William A. Jacobson
William B. Allen
William B. Irvine
William Bedford Clark
William Beer
William C. Dowling
William C. Widenor
William Casement
William E. Simon
William Epstein
William H. Young
William Happer
William Irwin
William L. Howard
William L. Krayer
William M. Briggs
William M. Calder
William M. Klimon
William M. Knorpp
William Pettinger
William R. Tonso
William Ratliff
William Shapiro
William Simons
William Voegeli
Wilson Carey McWilliams
Winfield Myers
Yuri Tarnopolsky
Yuriy V. Karpov
Zachary R. Wood
Zeke Hausfather
Corrupting the University - February 8, 2025
This report sheds a new light on the history of the U.S. Department of Education (ED), its abuses of policy, and recommendations for a path forward. The report's evidence, and the long-term politi......
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Corrupting the University - October 15, 2024
Shifting Sands: Zombie Psychology examines the science underlying implicit bias theory. The report finds that many researchers and legislators believe policies based on this theory are harmful. M......
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Academic Freedom - March 19, 2024
In this report, we propose the Curriculum of Liberty, in the spirit of NAS’s principles, which will educate American college students toward freedom, the pursuit of truth, and virtuous citizensh......
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Study of the Curriculum - February 20, 2024
This study explores the history of Americans' birthright of liberty. We teach our children social studies, above all history and civics, so they can know what liberty is, where Amer......
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Corrupting the University - July 13, 2023
Shifting Sands: Confounded Errors focuses on failures by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to consider empirical evidence avail......
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Study of the Curriculum - January 28, 2023
This study explores the history of Americans' birthright of liberty. We teach our children social studies, above all history and civics, so they can know what liberty is, where America......
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Corrupting the University - July 7, 2022
Shifting Sands: Flimsy Food Findings focuses on the Food Frequency Questionnaire and irreproducible research in the field of nutritional epidemiology, which informs the U.S. Food and Drug Ad......
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Study of the Curriculum - February 15, 2022
Americans strongly disagree about how our K-12 schools should teach our system of self-government. Dozens of organizations offer rival civics education resources and many of them don't work. A new......
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Ideology on Campus - May 12, 2021
Shifting Sands: Unsound Science and Unsafe Regulation examines how irreproducible science affects select areas of government policy and regulation governed by different federal agencies. This fir......
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Skewed History: Textbook Coverage of Early America and the New Deal is a review and critique of five textbooks’ coverage of four historical periods: The European Settlement of North America......
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Study of the Curriculum - April 3, 2021
America’s most popular science curriculum, the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), fails students. This report details how the popular curriculum omits basic tenets of science, including t......
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Study of the Curriculum - November 15, 2020
Disfigured History: How the College Board Demolishes the Past details the careless, politicized history in the College Board's revisions of the Advanced Placement (AP) European, United States, and......
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Ideology on Campus - November 29, 2019
Social Justice Education in America is a comprehensive examination of the inner workings of social justice advocates at more than 60 universities and how they have insinuated themselves into......
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Study of the Curriculum - September 19, 2019
Hundreds of American colleges and universities assign a summer reading to entering freshmen—usually one book, which is often un-academic and politically progressive. This year, Beach Books finds......
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Study of the Curriculum - October 1, 2018
Hundreds of American colleges and universities assign a summer reading to entering freshmen—usually one book, which is often un-academic and politically progressive. This year, Beach Books provi......
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Corrupting the University - April 8, 2018
A reproducibility crisis afflicts a wide range of scientific and social-scientific disciplines, from epidemiology to social psychology. Many supposedly scientific results cannot be reproduced, because......
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Academic Freedom - January 15, 2018
A resource for anyone interested in the issue of academic freedom on college campuses in America. Charting compares fourteen published statements on academic freedom in twenty-five categorie......
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Ideology on Campus - January 8, 2017
The “New Civics” redefines civics as progressive political activism. Rooted in the radical program of the 1960s’ New Left, the New Civics presents itself as an up-to-date version of......
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Study of the Curriculum - June 12, 2016
Much of the European past goes missing in the new AP European History Course and Exam Description. The College Board tells the story of European history as the triumph of secular progressivism, and sh......
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Academic Questions View all
David Randall dissects Josephine Crawley Quinn’s How the World Made the West: A 4,000 Year History, the latest scholarly effort to offshore the West’s achievements to the rest of the world......
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David Randall lambasts Michael S. Roth for using The Student: A Short History to give us a “complacent and tranquilizing reassurance that nothing has gone wrong” in American higher educati......
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NAS research director David Randall looks at memoirs by two former presidents of elite universities, only to find self-congratulatory and unintended exposes of how these “confidence men,”......
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The Franklin Standards are content-rich, rigorous, depoliticized, and should appeal to the broad majority of Americans who want their children truly to be ready for college, career, and informed citiz......
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We must resist the latest effort by academic historians to memory-hole our nation’s history.
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These Standards require substantial improvement—and that this improvement should be conducted by recruiting an independent commission to redraft new social studies standards.
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