Press Releases

View all press releases issued by the National Association of Scholars.

April 18, 2024

Press Release: Constitution Week Lesson Plans

National Association of Scholars

To make the informed decisions the ballot requires, it is imperative that our high schools graduate students with a strong understanding of their Constitution. These Constitution Week lesson plans see......

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January 2, 2024

Press Release: Going, Going, Gone

National Association of Scholars

After a short and tumultuous term as president of Harvard University, Claudine Gay has officially tendered her resignation amid her mishandling of anti-Semitism on campus and allegations of plagi......

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December 18, 2023

Press Release: Victory for Vlaming

National Association of Scholars

The Virginia Supreme Court’s ruling reinforces the enduring importance of safeguarding intellectual freedom within the educational landscape, ensuring that teachers can fulfill their roles as ed......

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November 16, 2023

Press Release: General Education Act

National Association of Scholars

Restoring a common civic education to the center of American public university education through new legislation. 

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July 18, 2023

Press Release: CDC and NIH Policies During Pandemic Had No Proven Benefit to Public Health, Finds Report

National Association of Scholars

The National Association of Scholars has released a new report examining the effects and origins of public health policy failures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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